Halal bi halal or what is often called halbi is an annual work program that brings together EKIS students from different generations to strengthen ties between fellow EKIS students within Universitas Airlangga. At Halal bi Halal 2021, we are carrying the theme "The Great Family of Islamic Economics" with the aim of fostering an even higher sense of pride in the EKIS department with the tagline SLIME or Syariah Online Meeting. Halal bi Halal is one of the work programs of the HIMA EKIS PSDM division which was held on September 24 2021 via a virtual meeting application. This event starts at 08:00 p.m.

This work program was held with the aim of implementing Hablumminannas values, namely strengthening relationships between EKIS families. With SLIME, we also want, especially for New EKIS Students, to be closer to Old Students at EKIS. Therefore, at this SLIME event we invite figures from HIMA EKIS and Heads of Forces so that this goal can be achieved optimally, of course with good implementation in the future.

At this SLIME event we also held interesting games. Of course, this game also has the aim of introducing EKIS students from different generations. Apart from that, there were also special performances from each EKIS Class and a message from the Chair of the 2021 EKIS Interim Class. All of these things of course return to our common goal, namely to unite the Islamic economics family, of course in line with the theme at Halal bi Halal this time with the Greatness of the Islamic Economics Family.