Friendship in Economics of Sharia (FRESH) is the brand image of Islamic Economics FEB UNAIR. FRESH 2021's Vision and Mission aims to foster the spirit of Islamic Economics so as to foster identity as an Islamic Economics student which emphasizes academic, leadership, organizational, discipline, responsibility with a spirit of togetherness, kinship and loyalty to the department. There are several values ​​that we want to instill or achieve in the Fresh 2021 Activities, including HablumminAllah (human relationship with Allah), Hablumminannas (human relationship with humans), and Pride.

  1. HablumminAllah (Human Relationship with Allah) 

In every event that we will hold, we will uphold the relationship between New Students and the Creator. The value framework that we will bring is religious, with the output of aqidah values. To achieve this value, there are examples of activities that we will carry out, namely religious seminars and supported by recitations and the implementation of prayers on time. At least, after the FRESH 2021 activities are finished, new students will realize the importance of their relationship with Allah.

  1. Hablumminannas (Human Relations with Humans) 

As social creatures, humans cannot live alone without the help of others. As humans, we must also be useful to the local community who are in need because we were created on this earth by Allah to help each other in good things. So, it would be good if Islamic Economics Students 2021 had a sense of concern for the surrounding community both inside and outside the academic community of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga. The value framework that we want to bring to FRESH 2021 is character, with the output values ​​of self-confidence, discipline (responsibility), and ethics. Examples of activities that we will carry out are focus group discussions, roleplay, assignments, and supported by guidelines and the application of ethics in college life.

  1. Pride 

It is not a secret that there are still many students who sometimes do not have pride in UNAIR, FEB UNAIR, and Islamic Economics FEB UNAIR. So, here we want to create that feeling of pride and love through various activities. The value framework that we will bring is a sense of belonging (non-academic) and academic, with the output of family values, caring, critical thinking and broad insight. Examples of activities that we will carry out are class projects, introduction and implementation of the Islamic Economics Student Association's major work program, as well as talk shows for outstanding students.