Ekis got talent is the newest work program from the Arts and Sports Division of Hima
Islamic Economics 2019. Ekis Got Talent is a work program carried out to
see and search for talents in the field of arts in the Islamic Economics Department
through social media. The target of this work program is students active in
Islamic Universitas Airlangga .
In short, by uploading the artistic talents of Islamic Economics students to
social media, such as singing, choreo dancing, or playing musical instruments, to Instagram with
the hashtag #EkisGotTalent2019, everything uploaded by students will later be
reposted to Ekis Got Talent's Instagram and the best ones in that period will be reposted to
Instagram. Universitas Airlangga Islamic Economics Association with the hashtag
#EkisGotTalentOfTheMonth. The best students in their period will receive
rewards from the Arts and Sports Division of Islamic Economics.
The following are the details of the implementation of Ekis Got Talent
 Period 1: Beginning of lectures – before UTS (even semester)
 Period 2: Beginning of lectures after UTS – Before UAS (even semester)
 Period 3: Beginning of lectures – before UTS (odd semester)
 Period 4: Beginning of lectures after UTS – Before UAS (odd semester)
The Ekis Got Talent work program does not use a place because it uses
social media as a medium for students to be creative.