Unila Sharia Economic Festival (UNISEF) 2019

UNISEF (Unila Sharia Economic Festival) is an event that was first organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung, located at Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro, RW.No. 1, Gedong Meneng, District. Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung City, Lampung. The theme taken at UNISEF 2019 is "Development of the Halal Industry and Islamic Sociopreneurs in the Millennial Era". The competitions held at UNISEF 2019 include: Islamic Economics Writing Competition, Islamic Economics Olympiad, Islamic Economics Debate, and Sharia Business Plan.

Universitas Airlangga students participated in one of a series of UNISEF 2019 events, namely the Sharia Business Plan competition by sending 1 team consisting of 3 students. The Sharia Business Plan itself is a proposal that contains ideas or descriptions of a business that applies the principles of Islamic business ethics. The theme is "Development of the Halal Industry Through Optimizing Islamic Sociopreneurship in the Millennial Era". 

The series of UNISEF 2019 events on the first day, 24 August 2019, is a National Seminar which provides education about the halal industry that is developing in Indonesia, in collaboration with the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Bank Indonesia (BI), and the Baitul Maal Foundation of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (YBM BRI). then continued with the Sharia Business Plan Technical Meeting. On the second day, 25 August 2019, there was a Business Plan presentation, the semi-final and final rounds of the Islamic Economics Olympiad competition, the semi-final and final rounds of the LKTEI competition, as well as the final round of the Debate competition, then closed with the 2019 Unisef Awarding.

Delegation from Universitas Airlangga consisting of 3 students on behalf of:

  1. Sihatul Millati Mahbub, NIM 041811433016, 
  2. Nur Izzatul Haq, NIM 041811433030, and 
  3. Mustoffa Pranudana, NIM 041811433008.

One team has not yet had the opportunity to win in the Sharia Business Plan competition.