BETTER ACCOUNTING feb unairAccounting Knowing Better (AKB) is a seminar created and aimed at new students of the Accounting study program at Universitas Airlangga to introduce them to the world of accounting. Through this AKB seminar, new students are expected to be able to get to know the Accounting study program at Universitas Airlangga and understand various aspects during study and future career prospects so that new students can make early plans for future career preparation and how to maintain it. Therefore, we created an idea for this activity with the theme "Why Accounting Professionals Should and Will Stay Relevant for More Time to Come". With this theme, we hope that this seminar can provide initial knowledge for new 2024 Accounting students regarding lectures in the field of Accounting as well as achieving the goals of AKB in general.
This AKB seminar raised the theme, "Why Accounting Professionals Should and Will Stay Relevant for More Time to Come" which was based on job prospects in the Accounting field in the future. This is because many professions currently in various fields, for example socio-economic, including those who work in the world of accounting, are starting to be threatened by the potential for automation in the future. For this reason, we have chosen this theme in the hope that new accounting students will know that their abilities are still very much needed in the business world, even though there are challenges in terms of improving technology. Not only that, we also hope that through this AKB seminar, new students will be able to become more familiar with UNAIR Accounting so that it can trigger a feeling of pride and strong commitment to complete their study period at Universitas Airlangga .
In the end, new Accounting students in 2024 are expected to be able to uphold their own vision and mission and be superior to other accounting graduates. This can provide encouragement for them to be able to compete in the world of work and ultimately students can contribute to implementing the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) point 8 program regarding Decent Work and Economic Growth in Indonesia in a sustainable manner.