FEB UNAIR Bachelor of Accounting action leagueThe AKSI League is an agenda held by HMA S1 Universitas Airlangga for Internal Affairs. Universitas Airlangga Undergraduate Accounting residents , apart from that, it is also a preventive step. The agenda aims to introduce the new class to the upper classes and increase the sense of kinship and care among the Universitas Airlangga through sports competitions held in a league system. By using a league system, all teams or Classes 23, 22, 21, and 20 will definitely meet until the agenda ends, and this agenda will be held on 9 – 10 March 2024 which will take place at Campus B Field, Universitas Airlangga .

The AKSI League itself supports the 3rd SDG, namely Good Health and Well-being, because the AKSI League itself is a sports agenda, namely futsal competitions, because sport itself is an activity that ensures our lives are healthy, kept away from various diseases, makes the body fitter. sturdy, triggers ideal development, increases appetite, helps strengthen muscles and bones, burns calories in the body, keeps the heart healthy, prevents obesity, and can reduce stress.