Raden Roro Widya Ningtyas Soeprajitno 041611333134
Iftitah Imania 041611333126
Rika Dwi Restianti 041611333027
Another proud achievement was achieved by Roro, Rika, Ifti (2/2019) who went to Makassar State University as finalists in the paper competition and debate contest representing Universitas Airlangga after passing a paper selection with the theme "Accounting and the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0". After becoming finalists, along with 13 other teams, the presentation became the second stage that had to be passed in order to qualify for the debate stage of the contest, where the number of teams that passed was only 4 of the 14 other teams that had presented.
As a team, the three of them tried to give their best, developed a strategy, and the time came for the announcement of the debate stage, the Universitas Airlangga team got the second highest score and was entitled to continue to the final stage, to win the championship in this event.
The specified motion debate also did not allow time for preparation, so with whatever was available, the three of them tried to remember various general materials they knew to express in this debate. During the announcement, the UNAIR team was announced as 2nd place winner to be taken home to Surabaya. Hopefully this achievement will make Universitas Airlangga proud, especially for Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business.