live webinar feb unairAccounting Youth Community (AYC) 2023 is an agenda from the Intellectual HMA field Universitas Airlangga . This agenda aims to deepen the knowledge of Bachelor of Accounting students Universitas Airlangga regarding PSAK and existing economic issues. This agenda is related to SDGS point 8, namely decent work and economic growth.

Accounting Youth Community (AYC) 2023 will be held once, namely on August 19 2023 at the Zoom Meeting. The event will start at 10.00 WIB with an opening by the host. Next, at 10.05 WIB the Speaker opened the ceremony. Then, at 10.10-11.10 the speaker gave material. Next, at 11.10-11.25 there was a question and answer session. Then the event was closed by the host at 11.25–11.30 WIB
