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Personal Development is an event created and formed so that Universitas Airlangga Accounting students class of 2022 can improve their soft skills and organizational enthusiasm while studying at Universitas Airlangga. The entire series of Personal Development events will be held through talk shows. The activity will be filled by several presenters who will present material that is appropriate to the soft skills needed by Universitas Airlangga Accounting students class of 2022. It is hoped that Universitas Airlangga Accounting students class of 2022 can develop soft skills. In the Personal Development activity there is also an ice breaking session which aims to refresh the mind and increase enthusiasm to take part in the entire series of events. Next, the participants will be given a post test which can help measure the level of participants' understanding of the material provided. Participants can implement material from the series of events in the case studies that will be given.

The hope is that with this Personal Development event, Universitas Airlangga Accounting students can gain insight and also knowledge about empathy and emotional intelligence which we think can help raise organizational enthusiasm and be able to carry out organizational days better.