The millennial generation has an important role in improving the creative economy both with their work and their way of thinking and enthusiasm, which will make this mindset and creativity get results too. We as millennials must play an active role in the development of Indonesia's creative economy, no matter how small its form. As we know, COVID-19 has caused a decline in economic figures throughout the world, including Indonesia. It is hoped that the millennial generation will not only be able to find creative solutions, but also become Agents of Change for the nation to emerge from the economic crisis during the pandemic. For this reason, on this occasion, the UNY FE Accounting Education Student Association is holding a series of 2021 National Level Accounting Quiz Competitions for high school/vocational school students and university students throughout Indonesia. This activity was held on October 2 2021 for the preliminary round activities, then the main round activities were held on October 23 2021 and the final round was on October 24 2021. The National Seminar was held on October 30 2021.

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Justika Fitriana (Line)

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