Airlangga Accounting League Activity Poster.png

Airlangga Accounting League Event Description

Airlangga Accounting League (AAL) 2021 is an agenda from the Intellectual HMA field Universitas Airlangga . This agenda aims to deepen the knowledge of accounting students Universitas Airlangga regarding accounting material and prepare students to face accounting competitions organized by other universities or certain institutions.

Airlangga Accounting League (AAL) 2021 will be held six times during 2021 on 27 March 2021, 09 April 2021, 07 May, 11 September, 08 October; and October 23 2021 which took place at the Zoom Meeting. The event will start at 09.00 WIB with the opening by the MC. Next, at 09.04 – 11.17 WIB, material was given by the speaker. Then the event was closed by the MC at 11.17 – 11.20 WIB.