As a professional association that oversees all accountants in Indonesia, the Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI) has a program to make IAI a professional development center for prospective professional accountants, by increasing the scope of Aspiring Professional Accountants activities. Aspiring Professional Accountant is a term used by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) to define prospective professional accountants who go through a learning and development process, in order to have competence so they can carry out their role as a professional accountant. The quality and quantity of Aspiring Professional Accountants is the central point for determining the future of the accounting profession in order to create a better profession, contribute to the country and create a better world. To ensure the professionalism of Indonesian accountants, IAI hopes that accounting students throughout Indonesia can prepare their future well amidst the current environmental dynamics. Since 2017, IAI has implemented the Aspiring Professional Accountants Festival (APAFest) as an annual gathering of outstanding students from all over Indonesia to showcase their achievements, creativity and academic abilities to compete to be the best and get the opportunity to connect and get the opportunity to work in various leading entities. establishing a partnership as IAI's Corporate Partner. In 2020, for the second time IAI will select outstanding accounting students nationally to receive the National Aspiring Professional Accountant Award as the top award at APAFest 2020.

IAI invites all universities in Indonesia to carry out selections or competitions at the university level to obtain 1 (one) best accounting student from each university. Representatives from each university in a province will then take part in a tiered selection at the provincial level by IAI. Those with the highest scores at the provincial selection stage will become finalists to compete nationally for the award as the recipient of the best achieving accounting student award at Indonesia-National.

Basically, the APA AWARD is an annual competition held by IAI which this year will be held online. The competition was held via zoom meeting and other online media such as YouTube. At the selection stage, competition participants are asked to send registration requirements in the form of a CV, transcript of last semester grades, scientific papers, summary of scientific papers in English. Data on achievements/achievements that are superior and proud, as well as videos containing personal profiles and testimonials related to CA via the link provided by the committee. 

Documentation of the video, where the competition delegates are explaining their profile as representatives of Universitas Airlangga in the 2020 APA AWARD. This video is one of the registration requirements for this competition held by IAI. This video is then uploaded to YouTube and can be watched publicly by viewers.