Professional Surgery 2020

Professional Surgery (BEDPROF) is one of the agendas of the
Accounting Student Association, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga for the 2020 period.
This Professional Surgery is also a forum for Bachelor of Accounting students from the Faculty
of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga to deepen their knowledge
about the world of work and existing professions. in the field of accounting.
Professional Surgery is quite different from professional surgery in previous years,
where the 2020 Professional Surgery will be carried out online in the form of a webinar
which will be held via zoom meeting on November 28 2020 which will be
attended by 2 speakers. The first speaker is a representative of a
private company tax consultant and the second speaker is a representative of the
government sector. This year, Professional Surgery raised the theme Taxation. With
this activity, it is hoped that Bachelor of Accounting students from the Faculty of Economics and
Business Universitas Airlangga will have a view about the profession in the world
of taxation in the future and prepare themselves to enter the world
of taxation.