
The Accounting Student Conference is an annual event held by the Accounting Study Program Student Association, Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta. In the first round, the full papers that have been collected will be selected into the 10 best works which will advance to the semifinal round to take part in a conference and work presentation on March 12 2020. On Wednesday March 11 2020, all teams took part in a technical meeting related to the technicalities of the competition in one of the halls at Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta. The series of technical meeting events starts from 15.45 to 18.25 WIB, which consists of participant re-registration, participant briefing, determining the order of work presentations, ice 

breaking, and closing. On Thursday 12 March 2020 there was a conference and work presentation. The series of conference events starts from 07.00 to 19.25 WIB, consisting of participant re-registration, conference segment 1: talk show, conference segment 2: work presentation, and closing. On Friday 13 March 2020 there was a minitrip to Ledok Sambi Ecoplayground, Yogyakarta. The series of minitrip activities starts from 06.30 to 15.00 WIB, consisting of re-registration, participant briefing, journey to Ledok Sambi Ecoplayground, dynamics at Ledok Sambi Ecoplayground, lunch together, journey back to campus, and closing. Then at 19.00 WIB continued with

The Gathering Night event also served as the closing of a series of activities at the Accounting Student Conference, where in the series of events there was also a reading of the winners from the Accounting Student Conference. The winners include Universitas Gadjah Mada as Best Delegate, Universitas Indonesia 1 as Best Challenger, Universitas Indonesia 2 as Best Competitor, and Universitas Airlangga as Best Paper. 

The Accounting Student Conference that we participated in was organized by Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, the event was held on March 11-13 2020. Our motivation for participating in the competition was to gain experience, increase knowledge, and also to be able to bring a good name Universitas Airlangga . By participating in this event we can increase our knowledge through other participants who also take part in the event so that later we can use the lessons in the future when participating in conferences and other scientific writing competitions. In participating in this event, of course our hope was to become champions and when the announcement came, thank God our team received one of the nominations at the Accounting Student Conference. Of course we are very proud because our hard work has all paid off. Hopefully other friends from Universitas Airlangga , especially the Faculty of Economics and Business, can also bring a good name by taking part in similar competitions.