professional feb unairThe Professional Creative Program is a vital initiative for the Capital Market Study Group (KSPM) FEB UNAIR. This program is designed to encourage innovation, information communication, and build infrastructure that supports sustainable development, in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 9, namely building resilient infrastructure, supporting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and helping the development of innovation.

Facing the increasingly developing digital era, KSPM realizes that conveying effective and interesting information is the key to expanding public reach. With the main focus on professional activities in information processing, such as photo and video editing using premium software, as well as delivering effective and interesting information for publication, this program not only aims to improve the quality of information delivered by KSPM, but also to increase organizational effectiveness in achieving its goals and expanding its influence among the public. With the Professional Creative Program, KSPM can be more professional in presenting informative and interesting content, so as to attract greater interest and attention from the public and inspire them to invest and get involved in the capital market. In other words, the existence of this program is not only a necessity, but also a necessity for KSPM to remain relevant and effective in this digital era.

