knoladge feb unairEnrich Knowledge is a series of activities in the form of weekly discussions regarding macroeconomic and microeconomic developments as well as capital market developments accompanied by the publication of educational content on social media. This weekly discussion activity is called the Weekly Discussion which will be held online via a regular Zoom Meeting once a week and will be attended by resource persons and a moderator who will guide the proceedings.

Then in the series of Enrich Knowledge activities there is a routine agenda in the form of creating educational content related to the capital market and its developments which will be published through the educational content of the KSPM UNAIR account (@kspmunair). Enrich Knowledge is designed as a form of contribution by KSPM FEB Unair to achieve SDGs number 4, namely quality education.

It is hoped that through a series of Enrich Knowledge activities, FEB Unair students and the general public can increase their knowledge regarding the world of capital markets. Not only that, Enrich Knowledge is a form of effort to realize SDGs number 17, namely partnerships to achieve goals. It is hoped that KSPM FEB Unair will be able to become a partner for FEB Unair students and the general public to obtain information related to the world of capital markets.
