e radio potcast

On 16 May - 11 June 2023, UKMF E-RADIO FEB UNAIR carried out the E-Radio Podcast Competition (EPC), which is a podcast competition activity to develop the interest and potential of the community, especially millennials, in podcasting. 


It will be held online from 16 May to 11 June 2023. With the theme "Speak up for upgrade and beyond" using online media. It is hoped that this activity will be able to develop interest and potential in the field of podcasts among university students and high school students.


ERADIO Podcast Competition is a podcast competition that aims to promote sustainable goals as regulated in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure). Participants are expected to produce content that promotes access and quality of education for all, improves students' skills and competencies, and supports lifelong education. As well as SGD 9, participants are expected to discuss how innovation and technological development can drive sustainable economic growth, build strong infrastructure, and support inclusive and sustainable industrialization.