E-RADIO CASTING is one of the new Economics Radio FEB UNAIR joint work programs and will be held starting in 2021. The 2021 E-Radio Casting activity is aimed at all active students at Universitas Airlangga which will be held online from 12 July – 11 August 2021. Registration is carried out via Google form from 12 – 24 July 2021 by sending three voice notes according to the theme provided by the committee. The committee will select participant voice notes and assign participants to themes that match the color of the participant's voice. Then participants will be formed into teams to create a podcast in the form of a drama according to the theme determined by the committee with a requirement of 15–20 minutes for each podcast. The podcast text and podcast editing for each team is carried out by the participants with the help of the committee. The maximum submission for participant podcasts is August 3 2021. After that, the committee will upload podcasts via E-RADIO FEB UNAIR's Instagram and Spotify accounts. The assessment will then be carried out until August 9 2021. The winner will be announced on August 11 2021 via Instagram E-RADIO FEB UNAIR.