In an effort to realize Indonesia as one of the world's largest economic forces in 2030 and achieve the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045, BEM FEB UNAIR 2025 The Department of Scientific Department gave special attention to the importance of sustainable development. As a concrete step, the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) acts as the main foundation in supporting the achievement of various Sustainable Development Objectives (SDGs).

P2MW 2025 is a program organized by BEM FEB Universitas Airlangga to encourage student interest in the field of entrepreneurship. This activity includes training and coaching aimed at preparing the FEB delegation in the P2MW competition which will be held in 2025. Training and coaching in this program begins with socialization that presents experienced speakers, including lecturers, P2MW alumni, and FEB students. P2MW is not just a program, but is the main pillar in strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Indonesia.

Through this program, FEB Airlangga students are encouraged to develop the knowledge, skills, and motivation needed to be a successful entrepreneur. However, the impact of this program is not only limited to job creation and economic growth. By expanding access to quality education in the field of entrepreneurship, P2MW plays a significant role in supporting the achievement of SDG 4: quality education. This program provides training and fostering entrepreneurship for students, allows them to gain practical knowledge, skills, and experience in the business world. Through this program, students are not only equipped with academic insight, but also innovation, managerial, and essential problems to face challenges in the global era. In addition, P2MW contributed to supporting SDG 8: decent work and economic growth. This program will equip students to have entrepreneurship skills, so they can create independent businesses and open new jobs. Through an increase in the number of entrepreneurs and the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), P2MW contributes to accelerate economic growth and improve the welfare of the community at large.

Finally, through cooperation between universities, government, and the private sector in supporting entrepreneurship development, P2MW plays a role in building a strong partnership, which is the key to realizing all SDGs, in line with SDG 17: Partnership for purposes. Emphasizing the importance of collaboration between various stakeholders, including the government, the private sector, and educational institutions, in achieving sustainable development. This program supports to build a partnership network between universities, the business world, and the government in an effort to develop entrepreneurship among students. Through this synergy, P2MW not only strengthens the entrepreneurial ecosystem, but also creates sustainable collaboration opportunities to encourage innovation and inclusive economic growth.