How To Fit Perfectly In a Good Corporate Recruitment Process


The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (BEM FEB UNAIR) on Saturday 23 April 2022 carried out the first Alumni Meeting agenda with Maretha Roseline Syahnie who graduated from the Development Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga in 2019 with the theme "How To Fit Perfectly In a Good Corporate Recruitment Process”. This Alumni Meeting agenda was facilitated by the External Relations Department of BEM FEB UNAIR with the aim of establishing friendship with alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga and sharing experiences about the world of work which can broaden the insight of FEB UNAIR students to prepare themselves after graduating from FEB UNAIR.

The Alumni Sambang agenda started at 14.00 by Nur Khoirunnisa as Master of Ceremony (MC) who led the event. The series of events began with remarks from the person in charge of the Alumni Sambang, namely Rausyan Fikri, then continued with remarks from the President of BEM FEB UNAIR, namely Vania Shafira. After the speech, the event continued by introducing the moderator who was then transferred to Asyifa Azra Royadi as the moderator who would act as an intermediary between the audience and the resource person, namely Ms Maretha Roseline.

After the speaker introduction and opening session, the event continued with a story from Kak Maretha about her career journey to date, tips and tricks when she had just graduated and then entered the world of work, as well as stories about where Kak Maretha worked. Stories from Alumni were followed by a question and answer session by the moderator and audience. After the question and answer session is over, the moderator provides conclusions and closes the question and answer session and then returns to the MC. Then, the MC immediately led a group photo session and gave an E-Certificate from BEM FEB UNAIR to Ms Maretha who was represented by Rausyan Fikri as the person in charge of Sambang Alumni. The entire series of Alumni Sambang 1.0 events from the Department of External Relations BEM FEB UNAIR was closed by the MC at 16.00.