On Wednesday 6 October 2021, a study to company 2.0 was carried out with Bukalapak. Study to company itself is a work program of the external relations department with the aim of providing insight to feb students regarding the world of work with related agencies. Study to company 2.0 this time invites startup companies to share information with the theme "work life balance in a startup" especially on Bukalapak companies


Study to company was attended by 150 FEB UNAIR student participants and opened by Amalia and Ilham as Master of Ceremony (MC) who led the event. The series of events began with remarks by the Vice President of BEM FEB UNAIR, namely Andrew Alvaro, then continued with material given by Dimas Bayu Permana as Corporate Branding & Content Manager at Bukalapak. After the material session, the event continued with a question and answer session conducted by 7 participants at the zoom meeting and the event ended with a symbolic presentation of a certificate by the chair of the study to company event, Annisa Nur Aziziyah, and a group photo.