The Communication and Information Media Bureau (Medkominfo) BEM FEB UNAIR held DESIGN CLASS 2021 on 7 August 2021 starting at 08.45 WIB via Zoom and broadcast live on YouTube BEM FEB UNAIR. This first work program of the Medkominfo Bureau has received extraordinary enthusiasm not only from FEB students, but also the general public. This enthusiasm can be seen from the presence of 524 participants and the participants' activeness in asking questions and participating in the presentation of material and games.


The event was led by Nadia Ainiah and Yanisa Asrika as Master of Ceremony (MC) and opened with remarks from Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE, M.Si., Ak., CMA., CA. as dean of FEB UNAIR, Tariq Priatmodjo as president of BEM FEB UNAIR 2021, and Benefita Diva Putra Wibowo as chief organizer of DESIGN CLASS 2021. This event is expected to help participants understand the importance of design skills and provide basic design knowledge as a provision in the world of study and work.


The first material, "The Importance of Design in Starting Your Career" was presented by Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., M.Si. who is a lecturer at FEB UNAIR. The second material, "The Principles of Design" was presented by Farrel Christian Tomo who is the Creative Manager at Cofilm Indonesia and a freelance designer. The question and answer session between the participants and the two presenters went smoothly and was very lively, the participants were very enthusiastic about asking questions. After the presentation of the material, a Kahoot game was held which contained questions regarding the material that had been presented and the three participants with the highest scores were given special prizes by Kak Farrel as the speaker. The event closed with a group photo session and participants filling in attendance via Google form. That's all, see you at the next DESIGN CLASS!