On Saturday 17 July 2021, the Awarding Airlangga Youth English Competition 2021 (AYEC) was held. AYEC itself is a collaborative work program between the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (BEM FEB UNAIR) and the International Undergraduate Program FEB UNAIR. Where there are 3 branch competitions, namely essay, infographics, and also speech. The awarding event itself was attended by 400 participants and not only to announce the winners of the 3 sub-competitions which were held from 18 June to 17 July 2021, but also aimed to provide information related to IUP to the AYEC competition participants.


The awarding day itself started at 13.05 WIB by Eva Cipta as the Master of Ceremony (MC) who led the event. The series of events began with remarks from the person in charge of AYEC 2021, namely Raihan Nurmadi, then continued with remarks from the deputy dean III, namely Mr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, and finally a speech from the Head of the IUP FEB UNAIR Department, namely Mrs. Devi Kalanjati.

After the speech, the event continued with the presentation of material from IUP FEB UNAIR presented by Mrs. Devi Kalanjati and continued with a question and answer session with the participants. After the question and answer session, the event continued with a game session with prizes. In this games session with prizes, the committee selected 3 winners who would later receive prizes in the form of E-Money. After the Games session with prizes, we entered the main event, namely the announcement of 3 sub-competitions starting with the Essay Sub-competition. The winner of the 1st place essay sub competition was Nasyawa Nurshafala from SMAN 1 Jember, 2nd place was won by Khofiva Ainur Rokhima from SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Tulangan-Sidoarjo, and 3rd place was won by Nabila Rafif N from SMAI Al-Azhar 7 Sukoharjo. After that, it continued with the Infographic sub-competition. First place was won by Meiske Nurhaliza from SMAN 1 Bogor, second place was Amelia Kurnia Fitri from SMAN 1 Gresik, and third place was Raiqah Pradanggi D from Amanatul Ummah High School, and favorite winner was Raiqah Pradanggi D from Aamanatul Ummah High School. Finally, in the speech sub-competition, 1st place was won by Aria Bati Azzuro from SMAN 28 Jakarta, 2nd place was Habibie Fauzan H from MAN 2 Samarinda, 3rd place was Hana Alfazzahra from PKBM Faradika Package C  


After the winner was announced, the event continued with filling in attendance for the participants as an e-certification requirement. Then continued with a group photo and ended with a closing by the MC.  
