
The workshop was present as a form of realization of the Prabu Adhikari Program, where this program was started because of seeing the lack of attention of students from the Faculty of Economics and Business in terms of forming successful individuals and an environment that supports students' academic achievements. Through the Workshop, it is hoped that the mindset of FEB students will be formed to create an environment that supports their achievements, increase the attention of students from the Faculty of Economics and Business to developing achievements, and make this a new habit and even become a culture for the Faculty of Economics and Business. The workshop will present speakers to encourage students from the Faculty of Economics and Business to become successful students. The speakers at the workshop are also alumni from the Faculty of Economics and Business who will further strengthen and shape the character of FEB students who are more focused on achievement and build the image of FEB UNAIR as a producer of quality human resources.

The mechanism for workshop activities is to be held online and in 4 batches during this year's period. The workshop has been running and was successful in implementing batch 1. Currently, preparations are underway for the Batch 2 workshop.