Art Show Time is one of the annual work programs of the SEGA BEM FEB UNAIR Department. This year, AST carries the theme of Indonesian culture. This year's AST consists of three types of competitions, namely Ecotunes, Economic Band Festival (EBF) and Creartive. Ecotunes is a singing competition participated in by students at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga. Ecotunes has two categories, namely Solo (1 person), Duet (2 people). Each participant will sing 1 mandatory song determined by the committee, as well as 1 free song of the participant's choice. Meanwhile, the Economic Band Festival is an acoustic and band competition with 6 members. Finally, there is Creartive, which is a fine arts event which is attended by students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga. Some of the events being contested are Photography, Videography, Poetry and Tiktok.