Sharia Motivation and Achievement Training I (SMART I) is an activity that
is held as a forum for improving scientific insight both in terms of theoretical and applicative. And it is hoped that through this program, it can form a golden generation that will later have broad insights, be intelligent in thinking, has good intellectual abilities, and has a praiseworthy personality and will be expected to be useful for the homeland and the nation.

Smart 1 Feb UaSmart I aims to print skilled and superior Islamic cadres and
increase scientific insights to participants, who are not only theoretical but also applicable, to be able to foster managerial abilities in organizing and
causing motivational encouragement.

In addition, Smart I is also in line with SGDS 17 because in the series of events there will be a material exposure session from the Fossei (Islamic Economic Silaturahim Forum), which will later discuss about Fossei, and become a generation that can be relied on for the progress of the nation. Because in fact sustainable development depends on every child who receives quality education.

Smart I has been well held as a platform to increase theoretical and practical understanding of science. When the event ended, participants had been
given a presentation on Fossei-an, the interior of the ACSES organization, Ghozul Fikr, and
Leadership. The participants have expanded their knowledge by actively participating in the discussion and question and answer session, which has increased cooperation between participants and presenters.

Participants who participated in Smart I after the event showed that they were very
interested in applying the knowledge they gained in their work and
daily life. It is hoped that the material provided can help participants become
smart, smart, and honest people while supporting sustainable development efforts in the future.

Smart I will be held on:
Day/Date: Saturday and Sunday, April 19-20 2025
Time: 07.00-12.00
Place: Ledok, Pacet, Kec. Pacet, Mojokerto Regency, East Java

If there are questions, you can contact
CP: 085816064936 (Redini Putri Pertiwi)
