Access Visit Feb UnairAcSES Visit First of all, in the AcSES Visit In the first visit session, AcSESOR will visit partner companies and will later be attended by presenters who will provide material related to the predetermined theme, then continue with direct practice by the presenters and all AcSESOR there. Then in the second visit session, AcSESOR will visit other KSEIs to stay in touch and exchange information and positive experiences so that AcSESOR will gain new insights from other KSEIs which can be applied in future management.

The event at the first visiting session will begin with an opening and remarks, then the main event will consist of delivering material through an edu tour and sharing session by the presenters accompanied by a QnA session. After that, participants will practice the material that has been presented, then close by giving mementos. After completing the first visit, participants will flow by bus to the location of the second visit, namely KUSEI CIES, Yogyakarta State University. The event for this second visit session will begin with an opening and remarks, then the main event will contain presentations about KSEI AcSES and KSEI CIES, then a gathering of divisions like KSEI AcSES x KSEI UNY, then closed with giving mementos.

This AcSES Visit 4 Quality Education. This program provides direct learning opportunities for participants (AcSESOR) through edu tours and sharing sessions. This activity focuses on real-world learning, which supports the development of skills and knowledge especially in Islamic Economics and business practices. Thus, this program supports the achievement of SDGs No. 4 which aims to ensure quality, inclusive and equitable education and encourage lifelong learning. Apart from that, this activity is also related to SDGs No. 17 Partnerships to Achieve Goals. This program involves collaboration between KSEI, partner companies and other instruments, thereby encouraging wider cooperation and strong partnerships. Exchange of information and experience between different KSEIs helps strengthen institutional capacity and support each other in achieving common goals, in line with SDGs No. 17 which aims to strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development.
By involving aspects of education, economics and collaboration between institutions, the AcSES Visit X KUSEI program contributes to achieving SDGs goals in the fields of education, employment and global partnerships.