ekis safari feb unairIslamic Economic Safari or SEI is a work program from the PRnCOM ORMAWA AcSES FEB Universitas Airlangga which aims to educate and disseminate knowledge about Islamic economics to the younger generation, especially high school students. This activity was held at the Al-Hikam Burneh Islamic Boarding School, Bangkalan, Madura which also provides education equivalent to high school. At the SEI event, participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the principles of Islamic economics, their implementation in everyday life, as well as the advantages of sharia economics compared to conventional economic systems. Various interactive sessions such as lectures, discussions, case studies and educational games will be presented to help participants digest the material more easily. It is hoped that this series of SEI events can inspire and motivate participants to start applying Islamic economic principles in their future economic activities. Apart from that, by holding it in an Islamic boarding school environment, it is hoped that participants can learn comprehensively about Islamic religious teachings as well as sharia economics.

The SEI event is held in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) number 4, namely Quality Education, where participants receive new education and knowledge about Islamic economics. This activity is also a form of collaboration between various parties such as ORMAWA AcSES, Islamic boarding schools, and resource persons in accordance with the spirit of SDGs number 17 to build partnerships in achieving common goals. Through the SEI event, it is hoped that it can grow the interest and awareness of the younger generation regarding the importance of applying Islamic economic principles in economic activities as a rahmatan lil alamin that brings benefit to all mankind.