Monday, 21 December 2024 - Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) received a visit from PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia as a follow-up to the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) event with the theme "Shaping Future Leaders: Innovative, Sustainable, and Socially Impactful Curriculum Design" , which was previously held at Mangkuluhur Artotel Suites Jakarta with IDUDA FEB UNAIR alumni and partners. This visit is the first step in building strategic cooperation between FEB UNAIR and PT Samsung.
The PT Samsung group was led by Agung Giri Djatmiko, Director CE AV Group Head, PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia, consisting of six delegates. The guests were received in the Leadership Meeting Room, 1st Floor of the ABC FEB UNAIR Building by faculty leaders, including:
- Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE, M.Si., Ak., CMA., CA.,
• Deputy Dean I - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo ,
• Deputy Dean III - Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi,
• Head of Management Department - Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto,
• KPS Bachelor of Management Study Program - Dr. Dien Mardhiyah, SE, M.Si.,
• KTU FEB UNAIR - Dra. Diah Prihatiningsih, MM, Ak.,
• Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Subdivision, FEB UNAIR.
This visit resulted in several agreed points of cooperation, including:
1. Preparation of innovative and sustainability-oriented learning plans.
2. Technology-based community service (community service) programs.
3. Joint research collaboration in the fields of economics and business.
4. PT Samsung support for FEB UNAIR student achievements.
5. Providing Samsung products as devices for the FEB UNAIR Cooperative
6. MBKM Internship
As part of the visit, the group also had the opportunity to review the process of building a learning space which will utilize digital technology to improve the learning experience, so that it can make learning more interactive, interesting and effective (Smart Classroom), which is being designed by FEB UNAIR.
This collaboration reflects FEB UNAIR's commitment to continue to build synergies with various strategic partners to support the vision of producing future leaders who are innovative, sustainable and have a social impact.
#innovative education