Sharing Successful MSME Business SRIBOGA FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Wednesday, 31 July 2024, PT Sriboga Flour Mill collaborated with FEB UNAIR to hold an MSME Empowerment event with the theme "Sharing Successful MSME Businesses" which took place in the KRT Fadjar Notonagoro Hall FEB UNAIR. This event includes seminars and baking demos, aiming to continue the success of a similar program previously held at IPB University Bogor last month.

The event opened with remarks from Mrs. Maria W Handayani, Marketing Manager of PT Sriboga Flour Mill, and Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR, Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi. This collaboration is a synergy in the MSME empowerment program which is in line with the Tridharma of Higher Education, where FEB UNAIR is committed to community service.

Through this synergy, it is hoped that the empowerment of MSMEs will be more comprehensive and effective in improving the skills and knowledge of MSME players, so that it can help them develop their business towards a larger, more advanced, developing and modern scale.

The "MSME Business Sharing" activity includes seminars with material that is very relevant for MSMEs, such as "MSME Strategy to Go International" delivered by Prof. Rossanto Dwi H., SE., M.Sc., Ph.D., and "Diah Cookies' Success Strategy" explained by the owner, Mrs. Diah Arifanti.

This event took place very lively and full of enthusiasm from MSME players throughout East Java. Apart from the seminar, the event was also equipped with a baking demo by Chef Putra from Sriboga Customer Center (SCC) Surabaya who brought the innovative recipe 'Pia Ulir'. This baking demo emphasizes product creation, variety and innovation, helping MSMEs expand their marketing reach.

Not only that, this event was also even more lively with door prizes and various stands from sponsors, including Mamayo, Filma - Quality Cooking Oil - "The Professional's Choice", Grade, Chefmate, Tepung Sakt1 - Food Packaging and Decoration, Omela, Frisian Flag, Yummy (yogurt), and Indobake (Baking and Mixing Equipment).

With various activities and support from various parties, the "Successful MSME Business Sharing" event is expected to have a positive and significant impact on the development of MSMEs in East Java, in accordance with the spirit of the SDG's 8 Program.