PengMAS DEPT IE FEB UNAIR IN JOMBANGJombang, 30 July 2024 – The Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga carries out community service aimed at increasing the economic independence of members of the Anjasmoro Village Unit Cooperative (KUD). This event took place at Ageng Giri Kedaton Hall in Carangwulung Village, Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency, with a focus on value added training and online marketing. KUD Anjasmoro, which has 97 members and a cattle population of 148, plays an important role in supporting the needs of cattle breeders in Wonosalam District.

The main activity of cooperative members is milking cows and sending them to the cooperative to be sold to the Milk Processing Industry (IPS). However, so far the product produced has only been fresh cow's milk without further processing so that the income received has been relatively constant. Apart from that, milk marketing is still carried out conventionally and minimal access to city centers limits their marketing reach. Therefore, this community service is focused on assisting the processing of cow's milk into value-added derivative products as well as marketing processed products by utilizing online media via WhatsApp Business.

Community service begins with a pretest to explore participants' initial knowledge, then continues with providing material about marketing. The speaker explained the importance of a marketing umbrella for moving towards a digital market, including GDP (positioning, differentiation and brand). These three aspects must be fulfilled in order to create a strong brand image and brand identity for consumers. Participants were also explained the importance of WhatsApp Business as a digital marketing platform, including the use of good promotional features and strategies.

Apart from marketing materials, this training also covers product diversification to provide added value. Participants were given practice and demonstrations on making mozzarella cheese as a cow's milk derivative product, as well as processing mozzarella cheese into corndogs. This product diversification not only increases the added value of cow's milk, but also expands marketing reach and increases farmers' income. Processed products not only provide direct financial benefits for farmers, but also have the potential to create a longer value chain and make a positive contribution to local economic development.

Before the event closed, a post test was carried out to see changes in participants' understanding and knowledge and measure the benefits of this activity.
Product diversification and digitalization not only increase people's income, but also help achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). Increasing people's income plays an important role in reducing poverty levels (goal 1 of the SDGs) which is the essence of the SDGs. With higher income, people can meet basic needs, thereby reducing inequality and increasing welfare. Furthermore, the use of digital platforms for marketing and product diversification helps increase productivity in line with goal 8 of the SDGs, namely decent work and economic growth. It is hoped that this effort can foster economic independence for breeders and support the achievement of SDGs at the local level.