RESERACH-BASED INTERNSHIP FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) On Friday, December 15 2023, a Workshop on Preparing Research-Based Internship Programs with Thesis Conversion was held by the Development Economics Study Program. This activity was held in the Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR).

 This event was attended by various parties who have expertise and experience in the fields of research, economic development and innovation. A number of six prominent speakers participated in this workshop, including:

- President Director of PT REDI - Erlyn Yuly Astuti
- Secretary of The SMERU Research Institute - Heni Kurniasih
- Co-Founder of PT Kedata Indonesia Digital - Anggoro
- Head of the Center for Behavioral and Circular Economics Research BRIN - Umi Karomah
- DJPb East Java Province - Ferdy Sukmadianto
- Director of PT. Brilliant Indonesian Statistics (StatsMe) - Lussi Agustin, S.Stat, M.KP

This activity aims to provide insight and guidance to participants regarding the preparation of a research-based internship program with a focus on thesis conversion. It is hoped that this workshop can provide an in-depth understanding of the importance of integrating research and innovation into internship programs, so that students can apply the theoretical knowledge gained during lectures into practical contexts in the industrial world.

This event was attended by several participants consisting of lecturers and development economics students who were interested in developing research-based internship programs. All material presented by resource persons received positive responses from participants, who expressed satisfaction and new knowledge gained from this workshop.

We hope that the knowledge and insight gained from the resource persons can be a driving force for the development of highly competitive internship programs. Let's together present a generation of students who are ready to contribute positively to the industrial world by combining academic intelligence and practical skills. Passionate about realizing innovation and sustainable progress!

This activity has a positive impact on efforts to achieve several SDGs targets. The internship program which focuses on research and thesis conversion is expected to support the achievement of SDG 4 regarding quality education, by giving students the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in practical contexts in the industrial world. Apart from that, the success of this internship program can also contribute to SDG 8 regarding inclusive and sustainable economic growth, by providing students with insight into the importance of integrating research and innovation in the work environment. Thus, this workshop not only provides benefits for academic development, but is also in line with global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

#research-based internships
#febunair economics department
#febunair economicdevelopment study program