offline classes(FEB NEWS) Friday, November 10 at 13.00 WIB, KEDATA Indonesia Digital visited the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) with the aim of carrying out offline classes. This visit is an effort to increase direct interaction between lecturers and students.
Kedata Indonesia Digital is one of the partners of the Undergraduate Study Program in Development Economics, which is currently holding the MBKM Independent Study Program "Digital Society and Human Behavior" with Future Skills (Pijar Foundation). This program has been running online, but today the class is being held in a hybrid manner so that MBKM participants can present their UTS results face to face.

Today's class was delivered by Mr. Anggoro Prasetyo as CO-Founder of KEDATA and Mr. Bagus Satria as Front End Developer of KEDATA offline in Room 701 - 7th Floor FEB UNAIR at 13:00-15:00 WIB with 27 participants consisting of Program students Undergraduate Studies in Development Economics and Undergraduate Studies in Islamic Economics.
It is important to note that this visit not only aims to provide a more in-depth learning experience, but also to bring data practitioners, in this case KEDATA Indonesia Digital, to the campus environment. The presence of these practitioners provides students with the opportunity to connect with those who have direct experience in related fields, in accordance with the spirit of SDGs number 17 regarding partnerships to achieve goals.
In the offline class, KEDATA explained the importance of understanding artificial intelligence (AI) and how it can be used to help students' needs. This understanding is in line with efforts to achieve SDGs number 9 regarding industry, innovation and infrastructure.
Hopefully this activity can be a positive step in enriching the learning experience of students at FEB UNAIR, supporting the SDGs, and helping them understand the important role of data in decision making in the real world.

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