MANAGEMENT STARTUP CHALLENGE HIMA MANAGEMENT FEB UNAIR COVER(FEB NEWS) Management Startup Challenge (MSC) is one of the Management Expo sub-events from the work program of the Undergraduate Management Student Association, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR).

Saturday, November 4 2023, the Management Startup Challenge Competition Final was held. This activity was carried out offline at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga . Management Startup Challenge (MSC) is a digital Startup and Business Plan competition at SMA/SMK and equivalent and D3/D4/S1 levels on a national scale which aims to increase the entrepreneurial spirit of pupils and students. This activity began with several remarks from Chiquita Charissa Chairani as Chief Executive of the 2023 Management Startup Challenge, Muh. Syauqi Anwar as Chair of Management Expo 13, Vievania Eunike Putri as Chair of HIMA S1 Management, Mr. Harris Prasetya Rahmandika SE, MM as supervisor of Management Startup Challenge 2023, and remarks from Mrs. Dr. Dien Mardhiyah SE., M.Si as Coordinator of the Undergraduate Management Study Program Universitas Airlangga .


In organizing MSC 2023, the theme is "Collaborating to Create Innovation for the Youth Towards Economics Development in the Digital Era." This competition event aims to encourage cooperation and collaboration in creating innovations that can drive economic development, especially for the younger generation, in the digital era. This theme emphasizes the importance of working together to create new ideas and creative solutions that can have a positive impact on economic development, especially in an era where digital technology plays an important role in the world of business and the economy, SDG #4 (Quality Education), SDG #9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure & (SDG #17 - Partnerships for the Goals).

The Management Startup Challenge starts from the initial BMC selection stage, continues to the business proposal stage, the very fierce semifinals, until the peak of the competition in the final stage. Of the 15 teams in the semifinals, finally the 3 best winners were obtained at MSC 2023, namely the first place was won by the Muslover team from SMAS AL-IZZAH Batu, then the second place was won by the Always Happy team from SMK Telkom Malang and the third place was won by the Moonpride team from SMAN 2 Tangerang South

