WE CARE FOR BEM FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Issues of discrimination and exclusivity have long been one of the main problems in the social order of society. Not only that, the fulfillment of the rights and facilities needed by the public is often still hampered, especially for people with disabilities. We often see that people with disabilities receive negative skepticism from the general public which is feared could make them even more marginalized.

Based on these problems, and based on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education community service points, the BEM FEB UNAIR Community Service Department initiated the "We Care" work program which this year carries the theme "Unity in Diversity". It is hoped that this work program can become an initiating milestone in increasing community awareness, especially students, so that they can work together to create an inclusive environment for everyone, including people with disabilities.

The 2023 "We Care" work program has started its journey since September through Pre-Event 1 (Visit to the Ananda Mutiara Indonesia Foundation), Pre-Event 2 (Implementation of Sign Language Classes in Collaboration with the TIBA Surabaya Community), and Pre-Event 3 (Collaboration Podcast with Mata Hati Community). In order to close the entire series of events and strands of hope, the 2023 "We Care" Main Event was held at the Amphitheater Campus B, Universitas Airlangga, on November 8 2023.

At the peak of this event, the Community Service Department of BEM FEB UNAIR collaborated with the Ananda Mutiara Indonesia Foundation (Y-AMI) and the Mata Hati Community to showcase various works and talents possessed by community members, starting from Remo Dance, Colossal Dance, Band, to Fashion The show was held lively. Not only that, there is also a bazaar filled with tenants from FEB entrepreneurial students, a painting exhibition from Edo (a member of Y-AMI), as well as a Live Painting Workshop. This agenda was filled with hundreds of visitors until nightfall. Not to forget, the leadership of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga also attended this event, namely Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak., CMA., CA. as Dean of FEB UNAIR, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., M.Si. always Deputy Dean I FEB, Hedy Diah Syahputri, S.Ikom. as Head of the FEB Student Affairs Sub-Division, and many more.

In order to support the empowerment of friends with disabilities, "We Care" 2023 has succeeded in collecting donations amounting to IDR 4,000,000, all of which was donated to the Y-AMI Community and the Mata Hati Community.

This work program is also an active response from the Community Service Department of BEM FEB UNAIR to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) points, including point 1 (No Poverty), point 4 (Quality Education), and point 10 (Reduced Inequalities) . Hopefully the implementation of "We Care" 2023 can inspire the community to continue working to reduce the gap in discrimination against people with disabilities.

We Care 2023, Unity in Diversity!
FEB One,
UNAIR is Great!
