FEB UTEM ON MEETING(FEB NEWS) Wednesday, 8 November 2023 - Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) hosted special guests from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM). The meeting which was held in Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR aimed to discuss possible collaboration between UNAIR and UTEM.

The delegation from UTEM who arrived in Surabaya consisted of Professor Dr. Ahmad Zaki bin A. Bakar - Dean of the UTEM Institute for Technology Management and Entrepreneurship (IPTK). Apart from that, there was also Associate Professor Dr. Samer Ali Hussein - Deputy Dean of IPTK, as well as Dr. Anidah bint Robani - Senior IPTK Lecturer.

This visit from UTEM was warmly received by the leadership of FEB UNAIR. Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi, Ak., CMA., CA., who is the Dean of FEB UNAIR, welcomed the UTEM delegation very happily. He was accompanied by Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR - Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, as well as a number of staff and lecturers from the Department of Management, Department of Economics and PKRI FEB UNAIR.

The discussion held at this meeting was led by the Head of Global Partnership and Promotion, Airlangga Global Engagement - Aprilia Putri Pradana, S.Ikom. Also present in this discussion were Dina Septiani, Ph.D – Deputy Director of Airlangga Global Engagement, Dr. Fatmawati, M.Sc. - Deputy Dean III Faculty of Science & Technology; Novianto Edi Suharno SST.Par., M.Si., - Deputy Dean III Faculty of Vocational Studies; and Prof. Dr. Retna Apsari, M.Si., - Deputy Dean III, Faculty of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Technology.

This meeting was a promising first step in initiating fruitful collaboration between UNAIR and UTEM. It is hoped that this collaboration will open the door to various academic and research programs that can benefit both institutions, as well as help strengthen international relations in the field of higher education.


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