(FEB NEWS) Probolinggo, 6 October 2023 - In an effort to increase the knowledge and skills of the local community, Lecturers at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) have held an online marketing workshop for mothers assisted by Aisyiah from both the City and Regency of Probolinggo , on Friday, October 6 2023. This workshop was held at the Aisyiah Office, Probolinggo City, starting at 10.00 to 13.00, (SDG's 4).

This workshop featured presenters from various departments at FEB UNAIR, namely Ratri Amelia Aisyah, SM., MSM., Dra. Iswajuni, M.Si., Ak., Dr. Atina Shofawati, SE., M.Sc., Shochrul Rohmatul A., M.Ec and finally Martha Ranggi Primanthi, SE., MIDEC., Ph.D. as the chief organizer of community service activities this time, who shared their knowledge and experience in online marketing with enthusiastic participants. One of the special speakers was Prof Grantley Taylor - Curtin University, Australia, a leading expert in the field of accounting.

Workshop participants (mothers assisted by Aisyiah from both the City and Regency of Probolinggo) are highly enthusiastic about developing their online marketing skills, so that they can increase their family's income and economic independence.
This workshop is also very relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations. In particular, this activity supports SDGs number 1 (No Poverty) and number 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), by providing training that can help participants develop their small and medium businesses online, so that they can achieve economic independence.

Apart from providing practical knowledge, this workshop is also a concrete example of collaboration between FEB UNAIR, Aisyiah Kota Probolinggo, and Prof Grantley Taylor - Curtin University, Australia in an effort to support sustainable and inclusive economic development in society. Hopefully activities like this will continue to provide wider benefits to society.
For those who are interested in taking part in similar activities in the future, it is hoped that they can follow further developments from FEB UNAIR and Aisyiah Probolinggo City.
marketing workshop
#probolinggo mother-mother community