FB Unair blood donor(FEB NEWS) Tuesday, August 29 2023, Blood Donation activities Vol. 01 was held to commemorate the 62nd Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, at the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR. This time, the Blood Donation Agenda was initiated by the Community Service Department of BEM FEB UNAIR, collaborating with the Indonesian Red Cross of Surabaya City to collaborate, targeting the general public as potential donors.

The event opened with an opening speech by Siska - Chief Executive, continued by Hafidzun Shadiq - President of BEM FEB UNAIR for the 2023 Period, and closed by Mr Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, SE., M.Ec. - Staff of the Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR representing the ranks of the Dean of FEB UNAIR who were unable to attend. The three speeches that were delivered all contained optimistic views and positive prayers so that the Blood Donation activities carried out could benefit many people.

Blood Donation Agenda Vol. 01 succeeded in obtaining 50 blood bags from donors which also met the maximum target of PMI Surabaya City. Overall, this activity has attracted more than 100 participants (registration data, but not eligible to donate blood) consisting of FEB students (various levels), FEB lecturers and educational staff, as well as non-FEB students. For those who have not succeeded in donating blood, there will be a second chance in Blood Donation Vol. 02 which will be implemented on November 8 2023.

Blood donation activities are very much in line with the 3rd SDG Program, Healthy and Prosperous Life, where this activity is aimed at providing sufficient blood supplies, which is very important to support health services and save lives. This is in line with the SDG 3 target to improve people's health and welfare.

The collaboration between BEM FEB UNAIR and the Indonesian Red Cross of Surabaya City, is an example of efforts to achieve SDG 17 goals which encourages partnership and collaboration to achieve all SDG goals.

Blood Donation: Your Blood, Their Life!

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