(FEB NEWS) Master of Management (MM) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair) has presented unique courses that differentiate it from other study programs. This Business Ethics and CSV (Creating Shared Value) course was designed by a team of experienced lecturers, including Dr. Gancar C Premananto, CMA., CDM., QCRO., AIBIZ, Dr. Ahmad Risky Sridadi, CHCM, and Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, CEC, who has competency certification.
This course not only focuses on in-class learning, but also encourages students to be involved in innovative social activities that are relevant to the main focus of MM FEB Unair, while maintaining an efficient budget.
The importance of practical experience is also reflected in students' final assignments, where they are asked to prepare activity reports by measuring SROI (Sustainable Return on Investment), produce scientific work that contributes to society, and participate in various CSR awards.
As a result, several scientific works for community service have been published in national journals, while the achievements of MM FEB Unair students reached their peak by winning the 2023 TOP CSV Award, which is the third award in every TOP CSV Award event held every year.
F2M MM FEB Unair students Batch 59 and 60, led by M. Ikhsan Hariadi, MM FEB Unair students have won the "Top CSV Award 2023" from Infobrand and Tras n Co and compete with other national companies which also received the "Top SDG award Award”, at the “Gen Unair+” event on May 20 2023.
Dr. Gancar C Premananto, one of the lecturers, explained, "The Business Ethics and CSV course has been designed as a project-based and hands-on learning experience within the Master's program, which allows students to apply theory and concepts in real life."
M. Ikhsan Hariadi, expressed his gratitude and gratitude for the achievements they had obtained. This achievement is an extraordinary achievement for students at the national level. We are looking forward to the next activities from MM FEB Unair.