PAKDE KARWO PUBLIC LECTURE FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Monday, 2 October 2023, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) held a Public Lecture with speaker, Dr. H. Soekarwo, SH, M. Hum. - Member of the Presidential Advisory Council of the Republic of Indonesia, who discussed "How Strong Economic Growth is the Key to Economic Resilience and Revival towards an Advanced Indonesia", in front of Masters and Doctoral Students, who were not only from the FEB UNAIR Masters and Doctoral Studies Program in Economics, but also from the UNAIR Postgraduate School PSDM Study Program.

The Public Lecture was held in Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR. In the lecture, Pakde Karwo explained about Strengthening Economic Resilience and Revival, Towards an Advanced Indonesia, in accordance with the aim of realizing a prosperous & sovereign country as stated in article 33 (National Economy) and article 34 (Social Welfare), it is important to realize economic resilience in line with economic growth.
Economic growth from the supply side is increasing and this has an impact on the growth of the processing industry, trade growth, the Transportation & Warehousing Sector and the Accommodation & Food and Drink sector.
Meanwhile, from the demand side, the domestic economy in 2022-2023 is experiencing an improving trend, even though it is faced with various challenges: High inflation, depreciation of the rupiah, and a trend of increasing interest rates.
Trade growth (export-import) will decline in 2023, because it is influenced by geopolitical dynamics due to the impact of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
On the other hand, the government's limited fiscal capacity means that the stimulus function must be optimal. In this case, to achieve economic growth it is necessary to calculate investment needs with the assumptions: Economic Growth of 5.3% and ICOR 6.8.
Investment sources needed to encourage economic growth in 2023: PMA, PMDN, NON FAS PMDN; Banking Credit; Government Expenditure; Trade Surplus.
Investment will not be optimal if it is not supported by human resources. Indonesia has entered the demographic bonus phase with a majority of the population of productive age so there are several things that need to be done so that demographics do not become a disaster, namely: Increasing the Competitiveness of Human Resources; Strengthen Upstream and Downstream Industries; and Inclusive Access to Financing.
Pakde Karwo's discussion was of course very inspiring for Master's and Doctoral students who were writing theses or dissertations, so they asked a lot of critical questions, in order to get explanations from him.

#public lectures
#economic resiliencemenujuindonesiamaju
#programstudis2ilmu Ekonomifebunair
#programstudis3ilmu Ekonomifebunair