CEO TEACHING SHIPPING FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Friday, 29 September 2023, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held CEO Teaching by presenting speaker Ir. Sjaifuddin Thahir, MSc. - President Director of Indonesia Marina Shipyard – Gresik – Indonesia; Founding Father and CEO of PT. Berkah Citra Alshahira, Marine Consultant, from Fadjarnotonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR.

On this occasion, Ir.

Sjaifuddin Thahir, MSc. discusses the material "Calculation and Control of Costs in Shipping". In this case, it is discussed regarding the cost components in a shipping company. He also explained how the management process regulates all activities and financing processes in shipping companies. Cost control in shipping involves continuous monitoring and analysis of all these cost components to ensure operational efficiency. This can include using technology to increase efficiency, more efficient route planning and good inventory management. The goal is to minimize costs and increase the profitability of shipping companies. Material presented by Ir.
Sjaifuddin Thahir, MSc., focuses on cost control and shipping operational efficiency which contributes to reducing resource waste and increasing responsiveness in production and consumption. Material presented by Ir. Sjaifuddin Thahir, MSc. is a key aspect in shipping company business management. Students who attend this event can learn about how to manage cost components, improve operational efficiency, and achieve better profitability in the shipping industry. This material also emphasizes the importance of reducing waste of resources, responsiveness in production, and sustainable consumption.
