(FEB NEWS) On Friday, 8 September 2023, FEB UNAIR Surabaya successfully held the Gatrik Goes To Campus UNAIR Surabaya Event: "Getting to Know Electricity Tariffs and Subsidies Closer" at the Miendrowo Hall, 5th Floor of FEB UNAIR.
This event is an extraordinary energy education trip (very informative) to understand more deeply about "Electricity Tariffs and Subsidies". Which is the result of collaboration between the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , the Directorate General of Electricity (Gatrik) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources), as well as support from the Student Executive Board (BEM) FEB UNAIR.
The event was opened by Mr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi - Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR, and continued with remarks from Ida Nuryatin Finahari - Secretary of the Director General of Electrical Engineering, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources who stated that this event would discuss the business processes behind electricity tariffs and what contributions could be made. by UNAIR, after getting to know the tariffs and subsidies related to how electrical energy is used.
The material session was guided by Akhmad Jayadi SE., M.Ec., Dev. - Lecturer at the Department of Economics FEB UNAIR, together with great speakers: Arief Mudhari - Vice President for Planning and Evaluation of PLN Tariffs; Andrie Syatriawan - Sub Coordinator of Electricity Subsidy, Directorate General of Electricity, and Drs. Ec. Bambang Eko Afiatno, M.SE., Ph.D (Lecturer at the Department of Economics, FEB UNAIR).
Through this event, students can gain valuable insight into the importance of understanding business processes in electricity tariffs, as well as a deeper understanding of 38 types of customer tariffs, of which 25 types of tariffs are subsidized, and 13 other types are non-subsidized.
Come on, be part of this energy education journey. Hopefully the knowledge gained at this meeting will help us all understand how important it is to save energy and know more about electricity tariffs and subsidies. Let's create a more sustainable future together!