feb unair academic forum 1(FEB NEWS) 6 September 2023, from the Fadjarnotonagoro Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held the 2024 Academic Forum "Towards the Elimination of Extreme Poverty", in a hybrid manner, in collaboration between: Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenko PMK RI), FEB UNAIR and the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K).

This event is an event that is open to the public. More than 220 students attended the event, not only from FEB UNAIR, but also from other faculties within Ailangga University, even from other universities such as the East Java "Veteran" National Development University, and also Petra Christian University.

As Host, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA., - Dean of FEB UNAIR,
said that UNAIR, especially FEB UNAIR, is very supportive and committed to eradicating extreme poverty more quickly. Many efforts have been made by UNAIR and FEB UNAIR, including the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, to alleviate poverty, such as: Airlangga Knights Floating Hospital (RSTKA) which focuses on helping access to health on remote islands, in collaboration with Bappeda Jawa Timur sent students to help and facilitate the implementation of policies to accelerate the reduction of extreme poverty in East Java. , and dedication to research on extreme poverty.
Meanwhile Andie Megantara, Ph.D., - Secretary to the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, as Keynote Speaker: gave a speech that motivated us all. invites academics, especially students, to be actively involved in research and innovation related to poverty issues.

Andie Megantara also highlighted the importance of collaboration between the government, BUMN, society and universities in achieving the President's target of eradicating extreme poverty by 2024 faster than the actual target of 2030.
More than just numbers in the APBN, Andie Megantara reminded us about the importance of changing mindsets and local culture. Which, according to Andie Megantara, is a guidebook on changing the mindset/way of thinking of a "poor mentality" that doesn't exist yet. "Our current homework is how to change the "poor mentality" mindset, because it is impossible to do this from the center, but it requires participation from all groups. We are not experts in that matter, that's why the role of the campus is very necessary." Andie Megantara gave examples, such as students' KKN trips to villages, students having a key role in educating the community and changing poor mentalities, or UNAIR bringing in anthropologist experts to sit together in formulating a guidebook.
feb unair academic forum Present as speakers at the event: 1. Prof. Dr. Nunung Nuryartono, Deputy for Coordination of Social Welfare Improvement at the Coordinating Ministry for PMK; 2. Kukuh Tri Sandi, S.Pi., MT., M.Sc. - Head of Government & Human Development Division, East Java Bappeda; 3. Hj. Ika Puspitasari, SE, - Mayor of Mojokerto; 4. Jaka Subuat, SH, MM, - Director of Village Funds, Incentives, Special Autonomy and Privileges, DJPK, Ministry of Finance; and 5. Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA., Dean of FEB UNAIR.
The strong message in this event is that we all have an important role in overcoming poverty. Together, we can change the mainstream and create positive change.
Let's together contribute to achieving the vision of eliminating extreme poverty by 2024!
