FEB UNAIR WORKSHOP(FEB NEWS) On Monday, September 4, 2023, dozens of master's students, doctoral students, several lecturers from the Accounting Department at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), as well as some general participants, including individuals from Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya (UINSA), and lecturers from Banyuwangi, attended for a research workshop entitled "How to Get Published in International Academic Accounting Journals." The event took place in the Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd floor of FEB UNAIR.


The keynote speaker for this workshop was Professor Victor Maas, an esteemed figure in the field of accounting hailing from the University of Amsterdam. Professor Maas serves as a senior editor for the renowned journal "Behavioral Research in Accounting" and holds positions as an associate editor and editorial board member for several prestigious global accounting journals. He also acts as the coordinator for the European Network for Experimental Accounting Research (ENEAR).

During his presentation, Professor Victor Maas shared invaluable insights essential for academics striving to publish articles in esteemed international journals. He drew from his extensive experience as an author, reviewer, and editorial board member of accounting journals. The workshop fostered a highly interactive environment, with numerous participants posing questions, indicating a dynamic and engaged discussion. It is hoped that through such forums, many Ksatria Airlangga will be able to successfully publish their scholarly articles in various reputable global journals.

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