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- Category: HIMA Accounting News
- FEB Student Affairs By
On August 1, PRODES 2018 was held in Biyan Hamlet, Pujon District, Sukomulyo Village, Malang Regency. This year's PRODES is a follow-up work program that started in 2016. On the first day, namely 1 August 2018,...

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- Category: HIMA Accounting News
- FEB Unair By
` Company Visit 2018 is defined as an external activity of Hima Akuntansi FEB Unair which is full of dedication and hope for the future for anyone who takes part in every detail of the existing event. Held on 11 - 15 September 2018 at...
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- Category: HIMA Accounting News
- FEB Unair By
The Accounting Internal Competition (AIC) is a competition specifically for Bachelor of Accounting students Universitas Airlangga which is held every year so that the euphoria and enthusiasm of the students is formed. AIC 2018 was held on...