The Accounting Internal Competition (AIC) is a competition specifically for Bachelor of Accounting students Universitas Airlangga which is held every year so that the euphoria and enthusiasm of the students is formed. AIC 2018 was held on 2 and 3 May 2018 in Soepoyo Hall FEB UNAIR. There are 33 teams participating in AIC this year, with each team consisting of 2 people from the class of 2016 and 1 person from the class of 2017.
The event begins with participant registration and opening at 8.00. The teams arrived and seemed eager to compete. Then, at around 9.00 when all the participants had gathered, the general rules were read and soon the preliminary round began. In this preliminary round, participants worked on 100 questions for 2 hours. From this preliminary round, 10 teams with the best scores were taken to advance to the semifinals.
The semifinal round was held on the same day at 14.00. In this semifinal round, there are 5 posts that participants must pass, namely Master Post, Grand Master Post, Epic Post, Legend Post and Mythic Post. There are several games such as snakes and ladders, TTS, table racing, and many other interesting games in these posts. The questions in this game are still related to accounting questions, but are packaged in a fun and not boring way. From the semifinal round, 5 teams were taken to advance to the final round.
The next day, May 3, the final round started at 9.00 in the Tirto FEB UNAIR Hall. The assessment in this round is carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. For quantitative assessment, the Choose Your Box game was played by participants. The system involves participants taking the questions in the box to work on and collecting as many points as possible. Next, a role play was carried out by the team with the title "The Existence of Accountants During the Industrial Revolution 4.0". There is a team whose role is accounting students, accounting department, KAP, Ministry of Finance and IAI. The roleplay in this round was very exciting and made the participants involved become more sensitive in honing their thinking patterns.
At the end of the final round, there were 3 teams who ultimately won the 2018 AIC. The first winner was the Vexana team, the second was Odette and the third was Alucard. Each team received prizes in the form of certificates and cash amounting to IDR 1,000,000,-, IDR 750,000,- and IDR 500,000,-. Congratulations to the winning team!
That's how this year's AIC event was held. Hopefully next year AIC can maintain and even improve its quality so that it remains one of AKS1's proud events!