Guest House I FEB Unair 9 Apr 2019 d

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an inauguration and thanksgiving event for the establishment of the I-FEB UNAIR Guest House on Tuesday (9/4/2019). The event was attended by the Dean of FEB UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak., along with staff; Senior lecturers at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , including   Drs.Ec. Sugiat, Ak.; Prof. Dr. Muslich Anshori, SE., M.Sc., Ak., Drs. Karjadi Mintaroem, MS. and invited guests from lecturers and from the Ashabul Kahfi Orphanage in Surabaya.

The event began with a joint prayer led by H. Buhran Mutaher as Trustee of the Ashabul Kahfi Surabaya Orphanage Foundation. The inauguration of the I-FEB Guest House  was carried out after remarks from the Dean of FEB UNAIR.  In her speech, Prof Dian stated that hopefully the existence of the I-FEB Guest House will be beneficial for campus activities. FEB UNAIR strives  to provide the best and most comfortable accommodation for guests. The building is located on Jalan Sutorejo Utara X No. 7 Surabaya is close to the location of Campus C, Universitas Airlangga .

This modern style house with shades of white and pastel colors has four bedrooms in three different categories. Namely, one VIP room, one family size room, and two standard size rooms. The VIP room is located on the first floor, while the other three rooms are on the second floor.

With an area of ​​around two hundred and forty square meters, the I-FEB Guest House is also equipped with a living room, kitchen, outside and inside bathroom, television in each room, and a living room which can be used as a meeting room. "It feels like a four-star hotel," the Dean joked. "Hopefully it is useful and becomes a supporting tool for the success of the activity. inbound students , sometimes if you look outside the size is not right, it is not appropriate. Hopefully this (Guest House I-FEB, ed) is standard. "Because we are preparing it to international standards," he said.

Not only that, continued Prof. Dian, Guest House I-FEB also provides shuttle transportation services for staying guests to campus.

The I-FEB Guest House is not only intended for guests or activities related to FEB UNAIR, but is also open to all UNAIR academics who need accommodation for campus purposes or activities. (*)

Author: Zanna Afia Deswari

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh
