Tuesday, 28 June 2016, for the first time since its founding, the Master of Accounting and Master of Economics Study Programs finally succeeded in forming a Student Association. The ranks of the management of the Master of Accounting and Master of Economics Study Program were appointed directly by the Dean of FEB, Prof.Dr. Dian Agustia, SE, M.Si., Ak., located in the Tirito Diningrat Hall, FEB Campus. Also present at the event were: Dr. Rudi Purwono (Deputy Dean I), Dr. Achmad Rizki Sridadi (Wadek II), Dr. Hamidah (Head of MAKSI Master's Study Program), and Dr. Vishnu Wibowo (Head of MIE Masters Study Program).  

The formation of the Himaprodi is aimed at not only increasing student solidity, it is also hoped that it can contribute to improving the academic atmosphere within the FEB environment and the Masters Program in particular. In his speech, the Dean of FEB Unair also emphasized the importance of the role of Himaprodi in supporting and overseeing the agenda for change and improving the academic climate towards achieving Unair in the ranks of the 500 leading universities in the world.

At the study program management level, it is hoped that Himparodi will be a good working partner for the Head of each Study Program in carrying out their work program, thereby creating good communication and synergy between management, students and academic support staff. With this good cooperation, it is hoped that the quality and competitiveness of the output (graduates) of the MAKSI Master's Study Program and MIE Master's Study Program can continue to be improved on an ongoing basis.

Congratulations to the management of HIMA S2 Maksi and S2 MIE, good luck with your work and work towards the glory of your beloved alma mater.

Viva FEB, Viva Airlangga FEB Unair