DISSEMINATION OF ANALYSIS RESULTS OF TRADE POLICY BOARD IN 2024 FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Tuesday, 30 July 2024 – from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd floor, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga was filled with academics, practitioners and policy makers at the "Dissemination of Analysis Results of the 2024 Trade Policy Agency". Carrying the theme "Managing National Trade Potential and Global Markets as the Key to Inclusive Growth", which is a collaboration between the Trade Policy Agency (BKPerdag) of the Ministry of Trade in collaboration with FEB UNAIR.

The event opened with remarks from Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., Msi., Ak., CMA., CA., Dean of FEB UNAIR, who highlighted the important role of higher education in supporting trade policy through innovative research and development. Prof. Dian Agustia also emphasized the need to identify and map potential export products, as well as overcome trade barriers at both national and international levels. He stated that the welfare of business actors and society must be a priority in every trade policy taken.
The speech was continued by Dr. Iwan, Head of the East Java Province Industry and Trade Service, emphasized the importance of cross-sector collaboration in facing global trade challenges. Dr. Iwan also hopes that through this event in the future, solid and solution cooperation can be created, between cross-sectors, namely the central government, regional government, business actors, associations and academics, in advancing the national economy of East Java, in general carrying out effective and efficient policy formulation.

The keynote speech was delivered by Dr. Kasan, Head of the Trade Policy Agency of the Ministry of Trade, who provided a comprehensive overview of the government's strategy in managing national and global trade potential. In his speech, Dr. Kasan emphasized that Indonesia must continue to strengthen its position in the international market by utilizing its comparative and competitive advantages.

The session presenting the results of the analysis opened with a presentation from Ferry Samuel Jacob, MM, from the Center for International Trade Policy, with the topic "Analysis of the Impact of Indonesia's Participation as an OECD Member". Ferry explained the benefits and challenges faced by Indonesia as a member of the OECD, as well as its impact on national trade policy.

Followed by Umar Fakhruddin, MS.E., Young Expert Trade Analyst from the Center for Export Import Policy and Trade Security, who discussed "Analysis of Determining Indonesian Export Targets in the Context of Supporting the Export Increase Task Force". Umar delivered an in-depth analysis of new market potential and export diversification strategies to increase the competitiveness of Indonesian products in the global market.

The final session was delivered by Ranny Resnia, M.Bus.Ec., from the Center for Domestic Trade Policy.
Ranny presented "Analysis of Strategies for Increasing the Effectiveness of Management of People's Markets in Indonesia", highlighting the importance of people's markets as the backbone of the local economy and strategies for increasing the effectiveness of their management. The discussion was moderated by Ari Satria, MA., Secretary of the Trade Policy Agency, and acting as discussant, Prof.
Rossanto Dwi Handoyo, Ph.D. Discussions and question and answer sessions provided space for participants to dig deeper into the strategies and policies that must be taken to encourage inclusive and sustainable trade growth. This event ended with conclusions that emphasized the importance of collaboration between academics, government and the private sector in supporting sustainable trade policies. Through the dissemination of the results of this analysis, it is hoped that strong synergies can be created to increase Indonesia's trade competitiveness in the global market.

For further information, you can visit the YouTube broadcast of the event via the following link: [Dissemination of 2024 BKPerdag Analysis Results]

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