Pawnshop TALKSHOW FEB(FEB NEWS) Tuesday, July 9 2024, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga held an event entitled Financial Plan 101 "Master Your Money, Achieve Your Dreams!" at The GADE Creative Lounge campus, in collaboration with PT. Pawnshop Surabaya Regional Office. This event, which was held in a hybrid manner, aims to equip students, especially Generation Z, with crucial financial planning knowledge and skills in an era of economic uncertainty.

Ibu Mutiara Pertiwi as Head of the Sales and Marketing Department of PT. Pegadaian Regional Office Surabaya, emphasizes the importance of financial planning. "Financial planning is not just managing money, but also a form of real action to make dreams come true and make the right decisions in risky situations," he said.

In this seminar, participants learn about the short and long term benefits of financial planning. The short term includes better planning, reducing unnecessary spending, and being prepared to face uncertainty. Meanwhile, for the medium and long term, the focus is on preparing for life's needs such as marriage, starting a family, and retirement.

This event also discusses financial risks that Generation Z must be aware of, including:
1. Disability due to unexpected accidents
2. Premature death
3. Critical illness
4. Long life without financial readiness

The speakers provided financial management tips for Generation Z, including:
- Setting financial goals
- Preparing a budget
- Determining a priority scale
- Recording finances
- Regular evaluations

"We also introduce various investment instruments to students," added Dr. Puput Tri Komalasari, SE, M.Sc., MM Instruments discussed include shares, foreign exchange, mutual funds, property, bonds, gold, deposits and savings.

Gold as an investment instrument receives special attention in discussions because it is considered to have low risk and high liquidity. "Gold is inflation-resistant, has low risk, is a real asset that is durable, easy to manage and easy to cash in. It is also important to note that pawnshops themselves as financial institutions also provide investment media with small capital through gold," explained Ms. Mutiara Pertiwi, one of the speakers.

The enthusiasm of the participants was clearly visible throughout the event. "I just realized how important financial planning is from an early age. This event opened my eyes to various investment options that I can start now," said Annis, a 5th semester student.

With this "Financial Plan 101" event, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga hopes to prepare the younger generation who are more financially intelligent and ready to face future economic challenges. "Master Your Money, Achieve Your Dreams!" is not just a slogan, but also a call for Generation Z to start mastering their finances in order to make their dreams come true.